
EUI Climate Policy Bibliography

The EUI Climate Policy Bibliography includes journal articles, books, reports and working papers evaluating climate policies implemented in the European Union (EU). Publications that are not strictly ex-post or which apply to non-EU countries may also be listed to the extent that they contribute to the assessment of EU climate policy.

Both the abstract and the link to the publisher’s web site are provided for each publication.

This bibliography has been developed and is maintained by FSR Climate, part of the Florence School of Regulation, the European University Institute (EUI). In 2012-2014, FSR Climate has been funded primarily by the European Commission – DG CLIMA.

We welcome suggestions and comments at: FSRClimate@EUI.eu.

Energy consumption and economic growth in the light of meeting the targets of energy policy in the EU: The bootstrap panel Granger causality approach

by S.Śmiech and M. Papież

Śmiech, S. and Papież, M. (2014). Energy consumption and economic growth in the light of meeting the targets of energy policy in the EU: The bootstrap panel Granger causality approach. Energy Policy, 71: 118–129. Continue reading